Hi, I’m Maya, the mom. Ok. Let’s get real, people. When Stacia first approached me about adding a parenting category to this blog, my first reaction was, YUCK. I honestly can’t stand the thought of more self righteous advice being given under the glossy guise of a mom blog. Capitol E.W. Seriously. And even if I wanted to, I told Stacia, I’m not one of “those” moms. My kids watch too much TV, eat way too much macaroni and cheese, and wear hand me downs and Carters from the sales rack. And my youngest child is a product of a failed IUD. That’s right, I only had one kid and was perfectly happy with an only child and never planned on another. Having one was enough to send me to the looney bin, and now that I have two, sometimes I wonder how I’m not seriously there, until I realize I already am! I’m not one of those natural-type mothers. Or at least that’s how I feel. But Stacia kept bugging me about it, and so I finally said I would think about it. So I did, begrudgingly.
My first thought was how I could somehow weave Maine into my journey of being a mom. Being in Maine might be awesome, but being a mom is hard, no matter where you live. How could I use my privilege of living in one of the beautiful areas of the world to help me honestly express myself as a mother? And maybe even become a better one? Now I was on to something. Maybe. We’ll see about that.
One of my “the world doesn’t need another mommy-blogger” tips (insert vomiting emoji) is to try to stay present when you’re spending time with the kids. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed and distracted with everything else we have going on. And before I continue, let me state that I also need to take my own advice. I’m very aware of the fact that I’m NOT present much of the time, and it breaks my heart, because I’m acutely aware as a 40 year old mother how life just slips through your fingers. One of the reasons I wanted to start this blog was to create a more present lifestyle. I’ve never been big on social media, and actually from 2014-2020 I had ZERO social media accounts, except for pinterest. You’re probably wondering how in the world social media could ever create a more present mindset! Well, I’m not so sure either! BUT, my intent is to push myself and my family to get out of the house more, and engage with the amazing communities here in the state of Maine, make memories, help people, and hey while I’m at it take a few pics and share with fellow moms, in the hopes of inspiring YOU to do the same. This blog has been almost two years in the making. Stacia and I want to make sure we do this right, and as a mother, I want to be certain that my intent is authentic and meaningful.
As I start my journey as the ultimate mommy-blogger that the world doesn’t need, I will share my thoughts and feelings on how this blog is helping me and my family be more present, and encourage other moms to share their thoughts and feelings as well. I’ll also probably share some essays venting about the ugly realities of motherhood as well, because although the world definitely doesn’t need another mommy-blogger, the world DOES need a little more humor and honesty.