All my services follow the Chicago Manual of Style’s (CMOS) recommendations.

Why does this matter?

#1 If you are going the traditional publishing route, these companies are looking for manuscripts with a good story, good writing, that also follow CMOS.
#2 Agents are looking for books that they can sell to traditional publishing companies.
#3 Readers like books that are clear, easy to read, and accessible. CMOS ensures this.

You can be confident that with my attention to detail, accuracy, and consistency, your manuscript will be in line with what readers and publishers are looking for.

An estimated cost will be provided upon review of the first chapter of your manuscript. Please see the general ranges provided below for your information. All prices include one editing pass. A second pass can be negotiated for an additional, reduced cost.

This service includes a detailed and thorough proofread pass of your manuscript. If you are confident in your editing and are only looking for spelling and basic grammatical changes, this service is perfect for a manuscript that is well-written and is ready for the final pass before sending it out. The proofreading option includes basic formatting*.

(For a more detailed look at your word choice and complex grammar issues, I would recommend copy editing services shown below).

Nonfiction & fiction: $0.020-$0.029 per word
Specialty/self-help & mental health: $0.030-$0.039 per word

Editing services include proofreading plus all grammatical errors, a look at the flow, basic fact-checking, style consistency, ease-of-reading, and basic sentence structure changes. This includes some word changes (always with author awareness and permission), and a final, “clean” manuscript for agent submissions, publishing house submissions, or self-publishing readiness.
This service does not include development editing or plot comments.

Fiction: $0.020-$0.029 per word
Nonfiction: $0.030-$0.039 per word
Specialty area/self-help & mental health: $0.040-$0.049 per word

If you are a top-notch grammarian and a spelling-bee champion, a developmental manuscript review will offer more significant suggestions and recommendations on content related issues: plot, character consistency, flow and ease-of-reading, suggested paragraph or chapter re-structuring, sentence re-writes or transitional additions at the beginning or end of paragraphs or chapters. All this editing is in-line with the author’s vision and with their approval. With readership in mind, this level of editing will be provided with more communication (if the author wishes) and may take a bit longer than the other editing services.

Cost determined after a sample first-chapter provided by author.
Typical ranges:
Fiction: $0.030-$0.039 per word
Nonfiction: $0.040-$0.049 per word
Specialty area/self-help & mental health: $0.050-$0.059 per word

If you’re not ready for a complete manuscript edit but are looking for a compassionate, honest, and helpful look at your first chapter, this is an affordable option that includes proofreading. I will make suggestions about the plot, style, pacing, characters, and provide ideas for character development. This is a great option to consider if you are getting ready to send out your first chapter to agents and want a little extra boost of confidence. I may ask you questions to consider for story development ideas as a reader and lover of books! No changes will be made to your manuscript, only comments, suggestions, and questions.
$0.050-$0.059 per word

Are you finished with your book and want an eye-catching and well-written blurb? A book blurb is like the cover letter and resume of your book’s career! Let me help you polish one of the most important features of your book. Agents will often read these first and you should consider this to be your “elevator pitch” to your readers, to bookstores, libraries, possible speaking engagements, or anyone who will decide if they want to pick up your book at all. I love helping with book blurbs and will be looking out for grammar, flow, and content to help your book stand out.

Please contact me if you wish to purchase any combination of the above services. I offer discounts for combination packages.

For all the services listed above, I use Microsoft Word. We will use the Track Changes feature for my editing and comments between myself and you, the author. I will need to receive your manuscript in a Microsoft Word document, preferably with no formatting at all. If you have already formatted your document, I will do my best to provide basic formatting changes* that will allow for ease of transfer of your manuscript to your agent, publisher, or formatting company. If we begin working together, I will send more detailed (but simple) instructions on how to use track changes to help make this process stress-free and efficient for you.

A free, one-time phone consultation is a great place to begin. We can get to know one another, discuss your project, cover any questions you may have about my editing style, expectations you may have for work, the schedule, and any concerns you may have about using track changes. Email me to set up a phone call.

Post-editing calls are offered at $50 per hour to discuss any further comments, questions, or elaborations on your project.

While I am a professional editor, there is always the risk of some errors getting past my eagle-eye. This is not uncommon in any editing pass. This statement serves as my “pass at your own risk” signpost: It is always my intention to catch each-and-every error, and I do offer my deepest apologies when they are missed. However, refunds are not offered by this company.

*Basic formatting changes include removing double spaces, extra paragraph spaces, and chapter title consistency.

(I am unable to pass your manuscript along to agents or publishing houses).

Upon agreement, a basic contract will be provided with details of services to be provided, completion date, and final cost. 50% payment is expected upon contract signing with the remainder due upon completion of service provided.

Payment options include:

  • Bank check or money order
  • Personal check
  • Most bank transfer programs (for example, Zelle)
  • Credit Card (Visa)

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